Término: Female luer Inglés (Estados Unidos) Ciencias Biológicas, Químicas y de la Salud Enfermería Enfermería, UCI, Monitoreo hemodinámico A Luer syringe enables a needle to be twisted onto the tip and be locked into place. The female Luer has the addition of an external thread added at the base of the taper. Editorial Team. (2013, octubre 23). Luer Fittings & Connectors – In General. Component Supply. https://componentsupplycompany.com/blog/luer-fittings-connectors-in-general/ Both male and female Luer taper fittings can readily configured to work with threaded connections, fractional barb fittings, and ultra small tubing such as Tygon®Microbore tubing. Editorial Team. (2013, octubre 23). Luer Fittings & Connectors – In General. Component Supply. https://componentsupplycompany.com/blog/luer-fittings-connectors-in-general/ luer hembra Nominal México (Mex.) Tipo de cono del cuerpo de una jeringa. El luer hembra tiene una rosca externa añadida en la base del cono. Hernández, F., & Navascués, I. (2000). Terminología gaélica. 2, 1, 10–12. https://www.tremedica.org/wp-content/uploads/n2_TermGalenicaNavascues.pdf Conector de plástico de espino con extremo de luer hembra. ADAPTADOR LUER LOCK CON REBORDE INSTRUCCIONES DE USO. (s/f). Medical Company, Inc. Recuperado el 21 de octubre de 2021, de http://medcompnet.com/products/ifu_pages/PD/40677-1BSI___C_Booklet.pdf https://enallterm.unam.mx/sites/default/files/webform/wizard_fichatraductologica/1197/Unknown.jpeg Externa https://spanish.alibaba.com/product-detail/female-luer-lock-connectors-62041575123.html Rebeca Robles Zilli 2021-11-25